Key Presentations, Topics, and Inspiration
From the Diabetes Perspectives Summits
Brenda Davis – Part 1
Brenda Davis – Part 2
Brenda Davis – Part 3
Are carbs the evil they are made out to be? Learn about different diets – Paleo, Elimination and Plant Based – and know the differences.
Brenda Davis, R.D, world renowned expert on nutrition and diabetes, ran a project in Marshall Islands that successfully proved diabetes reversal.
Learn more about Brenda’s books and resources here.
We divided this interview in 3 parts so you can listen to it all at once or one part at a time, as best fits your schedule. To listen to it all, just click play on the picture of Brenda. If you want to listen to just one part, then click on the part you want in the list below the picture.
Part 1 of the interview - Should people with diabetes cut their carbs? Learn the facts
Brenda dives in detail into explaining what carbs are, which are the good ones, which are the bad ones and how to understand what the doctors are saying when they talk about “Cut the carbs”
Part 2 of the Interview - Paleo? Ancestral? Atkins? Plant Based? Understand the differences and why it matters
With continuing media buzz about low carb diets and many people promoting the atkins, paleo, ancestral diets, and then all the evidence for plant based diets, it is critical to understand how they each affect our body and which make the most sense for long term health.
Part 3 of the Interview - Elimination? Whole 30? More diets and then diabetes reversal in the Marshall Isllands
We continue exploring more popular diets such as elimination and whole 30 diets, what elimination diets really are for and when to use them. Then Brenda talks about her personal experience with diabetes reversal in the Marshall Islands.