Dehlia Ford-Feliz

Inspiring Stories: Can You Reverse Type 1 Diabetes?

Learn more about our E4 A.L.I.V.E. Program

John Vargas Eddy

E4 Diabetes Solutions

​Author, medical researcher,
complex systems expert and
Director of Diabetes Programs.

Dehlia Ford-Feliz

Dehlia Ford-Feliz is a former pro athlete, turned mom of 2, and now healer of her husband’s Type 1 diabetic diagnosis. After seeing her husband get off all medications in only 6 weeks, the power of nutrition became a passion. She believes that everyone is on a unique path to their perfect self. Therefore, being aware of the way food (or lack of food) impacts your body is a powerful tool on this health journey. Also, as she was researching methods of beta-cell regeneration, she learned many other ways (beyond food) to biohack & support your immune system while protecting your body from exposure to any virus.

During the video we will be covering:

  • Inspiring Stories: Can You Reverse Type 1 Diabetes?

Learn more about our E4 A.L.I.V.E. Program