Solving Diabetes Is Complex.
The E4 ALIVE Program can Help You

- The comfort of knowing your diabetes is stopped
- A healthier you
- Thinner, more alive and energetic
- Feeling more attractive
- Stable energy throughout your day — every day
- The peace of mind knowing you are off the diabetes complications train
- Reassurance you are headed towards optimum health
- The satisfaction of succeeding
- Your body healed to the point of reduced diabetes meds — or no meds
- Lower heart attack risk
- Kidney function restored
- Weight loss (if overweight)
- Reduced medications
- Cholesterol decrease (if high)
- Lower A1c

How do you know if this program is right for you?
If you are at one of these stages, the A.L.I.V.E. Program could change the direction of your future.
You have pre-diabetes and you are not only interested in avoiding diabetes, but also heading towards optimal.
Prior program participants have been able to say, “My Pre-Diabetes is Gone!” Is that what you want?
You are in the early stages of diabetes and you want to avoid progressing, avoid medications or avoid needing more medications.
Prior program participants have been able reduce their A1c, reduce meds and to say, “I am no longer diabetic!” Is that what you want?
Severe Diabetes:
You have had diabetes for some time, and you want to avoid going on insulin, reduce medications, or stop the progression.
Prior program participants at this stage have been able to avoid insulin, reduce medications, and head towards optimal one stage at a time. Is that what you want?
The Simple Steps Program combined with individual support can make the difference.
Critical Diabetes:
You have struggled for some time with it, but nothing seems to work. And you want to get better fast.
We have succeeded where others have failed! We handle the most complex cases with additional support. Do you want big changes towards health?
Then our Simple Steps Program combined with extra individual support could change things for the better.
Where is it, where do I have to travel?
Our A.L.I.V.E. program is delivered to you in your home via live audio / video conferences, video training. Lab testing is done locally via the national Quest Diagnostics lab centers. You do NOT have to travel and that is the beauty of our program!Where are the doctors located? how do the tests get administered? If long distance, how does this work?
The A.LI.V.E. program is done via Telehealth, so we come to you virtually! And the tests are administered via a local Quest Diagnostics lab center. Quest has 2,500 centers nationwide. You can search for one near you via this link: Quest Diagnostics Lab Location SearchAre the lab testing costs included in the program?
We have varying levels of program packages. Some include the lab costs, other packages include the labs’ analysis but not the laboratory costs themselves, and others are continuing group support for those who do not need labsAre followup lab tests included in the price or will this be additional?
We have varying levels of program packages. Some include the lab costs, other packages include the labs’ analysis but not the laboratory costs themselves, and others are continuing group support for those who do not need labs.What are the next steps to apply?
You can apply to the program by filling out some questions about your health history. As part of the application process, we will review your situation, and then our team will meet with you and make sure you are a good fit for the program. We have a no-risk application process

1 Analyze
Comprehensive medical and wellness profile including your pancreas strength, your level of insulin resistance, inflammation markers and food triggers. Follow-up sessions to review and create a plan.

2 Learn
Online videos and content to broaden your understanding of the diabetes process, its effects and how to turn it around. Online forum for personal questions and answers with staff.

3 Implement
We guide you every step of the way! Group and individual consultations with our team. Nutrition manual with recipes, guidelines and week by week plan for your entire 90 days.

4 Validate
Continual monitoring and verification are done on a regular basis to make sure you’re progressing along the path towards stopping and reversing your diabetes. Mobile app and unique online “vital statistics” system to keep track of your progress. Lab testing to review progress after the 90 days.

5 Enjoy
Enjoy the freedom of having successfully lowered or reversed your insulin resistance and eased the stress related related to constantly worrying about your blood sugar levels. A lifestyle of “No Deprivation” while staying on the path towards optimal health.

“My Dr. said, ‘Your A1c is now at 10 and we want to put you on Insulin’ … I said I am not going to let this beat me and I reached out for help…”
After only four months of being on the A.L.I.V.E. program, a complete transformation: no Insulin, A1c down from 10.0 to 7.2, fasting glucose at 110 down from 250, lost 15 lbs, from size 38 to 34.

Advanced Core Analysis included in the Simple Steps Program

Lab Testing
Find out what standard diabetes testing doesn’t tell you with our exclusive protocols. Performed nationally at Quest Diagnostics with over 2,500 local testing facilities.

Insulin Resistance
Six separate tests timed together in combination with our mathematical modeling answers the question: What is your level of insulin resistance?

Pancreas Health
Six separate tests timed together in combination with our mathematical modeling answers the question: How strong is your pancreas?

Heart Risk
Get more accurate predictions of your cardiovascular risk than cholesterol testing alone with a combination of our three tests and comprehensive reporting.

Inflammation Markers
High sensitivity C-reactive Protein can detect the presence of chronic, low-grade infections, and gives you a picture of your body’s inflammation level.

Dietary Report
Seven-day dietary history analysis plus weaknesses and strengths report. Pinpoints those foods you are eating that are helping your pancreas–and which are hurting it.

Personal Review
One hour one-on-one review of your results and reports with John Vargas Eddy, director of Diabetes Programs.

Video education course, online support forum, and group question and answer session with international diabetes expert and lecturer Dr. Wes Youngberg, DrPH.

Flexible Program Structure to fit your needs:
Program lengths vary from 4 to 12 months.
We focus on all aspects of your success: metabolic health, brain health, cardiac health, pancreas health, sleep optimization, stress reduction, vitamin balancing, insulin resistance optimization, and many more!
Program lengths vary from 4 to 12 months so there are many options to meet your needs!
The 5-Month Program:

Preparation and Program Kick-off

Learning and Baseline Labs


Repeat Labs and Validation
Where is it, where do I have to travel?
Our A.L.I.V.E. program is delivered to you in your house via live audio / video conferences, video training, and lab testing is done locally via the national Quest Diagnostics lab centers. You do NOT have to travel and that is the beauty of our program!Where are the drs. located? how do the tests get administered? If long distance, how does this work?
The A.LI.V.E. program is done via Telehealth, so we come to you virtually! And the tests are administered via a local Quest Diagnostics lab center. They have 2,500 centers nationwide, you can search for one near you via this link: Quest Diagnostics Lab Location SearchAre the lab testing costs included in the program or extra?
We have varying levels of program packages. Some include the lab costs, other packages include the labs’ analysis but not the laboratory costs themselves, and others are continuing group support for those who do not need labsAre followup lab tests included in the price or will this be additional?
We have varying levels of program packages. Some include the lab costs, other packages include the labs’ analysis but not the laboratory costs themselves, and others are continuing group support for those who do not need labs.
What are the next steps to apply?
You can apply to the program by filling out some questions about your health history. As part of the application process, we will review your situation, and then our team will meet with you and make sure you are a good fit for the program. We have a no-risk application processHow hard is it going to be?
How hard is it to live with diabetes or pre-diabetes? Compared to that, it’s not hard at all. But like most things in this life, it’s all up to you and your motivation. Are you willing to commit to yourself and take on a temporary challenge in order to vastly improve the rest of your life? Imagine the possibility of living a life of vibrant health, a life full of the energy you need to accomplish all of your goals and enjoy simply being alive. Of course it’s a change. But unlike the “change” that has you on the path of pre-diabetes and diabetes, this one is positive. And you will be supported along your journey and meet others on a similar path. When you start seeing results and feeling better than you ever realized was possible, change becomes easy and fun.What if I work hard and it doesn’t work?
The 5 step process we have developed has been shown to work time and time again. We don’t know your case and everyone is different. Yet, everyone we have worked with has seen decreases in their A1C and reductions in their insulin resistance, even those with a weak pancreas. However, not everyone is starting from the same place and not everyone gets the same results in the same amount of time. Your results will depend on how healthy your pancreas is, your level of insulin resistance and what lifestyle shifts you choose to implement. The great news about our 5 step process is that during Step 1 the testing and review will give you a clear picture of what to expect individually before starting to make the lifestyle shifts.What role do nutritional supplements play in the program?
Our focus is the natural foods, and ideally the supplements would be the minimal required (B12, D, multivitamin), however we often find that many people are out of balance and so during a phase of bringing the nutrients back in balance appropriate supplements for deficiencies are suggested, but not required.What if my pancreas is weak, is there any hope left?
If it turns out that your pancreas is very weak there is still hope but more lifestyle shifts are needed for a longer time. If it turns out you are close to or have type 1 diabetes and you are not producing sufficient insulin, you may need to be on insulin. The lifestyle approaches we have developed are useful even for people with type 1 diabetes to reduce the total insulin required and minimize risks of complications. The great news is we can determine all this ahead of time before you start making the lifestyle shifts and if you are not committed to implementing the plan that would work best for your case, then we can stop there and you won’t have to start the changes! At least you will know where you stand before you start the process of making the changes and what to expect.How long is the program?
Program lengths vary from 4 to 12 months so there are many options to meet your needs! So apply and find out what is best for you!Why will it take 4 months? Why so long?
Your body will take time to adjust to a new routine, including new foods that you may not have eaten before. It takes time to adopt a new habit, let alone a new lifestyle and you will be going through a process of assessing how different foods affect your blood sugar levels. Everyone has unique needs and it is important to try different approaches including various food combinations, exercise, and stress management techniques in order to determine what works best for you. By the end of the four months you will have learned which foods to look out for and better understand how to interpret blood sugar numbers and lab test results. The goal is a sustainable lifestyle change that will allow you to enjoy vibrant health. We want to support you in making that happen — it is not a quick-fix, but rather a long-term improvement in your health for the rest of your life.Do I have to become 100% Vegan to do this?
One of the reasons we’ve created this Simple Steps program is that some people said, “I will never become vegan, but I want to make many changes towards my health.” We will support everyone in achieving their unique goals. We will educate you as to which foods produce the best results and we have created a category system with ten stages of different types of foods. You’ll be setting your own goals in terms of where you are and where you want to be.How is this different than a plant-based diet?
It’s not just any plant-based diet, it has to be specific to diabetes. What we’ve put together in our catalog is a combination of whole foods that are plant-based and also friendly for reducing diabetes.What about the food, what guidelines do you have?
We have a great variety of options from easy to make 10 minute recipes to more complex larger meals. This is all part of a 320+ page manual with recipes, guidelines and a week by week plan. You don’t need to read through them all! But they are there for your reference and guidance, it is a living document which we continue updating with new recipes and new information to help you on your longer term journey. Thousands of hours of work and decades of knowledge from our team are embedded in this document which is your guide to navigating the challenges of lowering your blood sugar levels while reducing risks of heart disease and other complications associated with diabetes.