New! Bonus Thyroid Tests – Our Gift To you!
Read below for more details
Get Started with Step 1
Last Call To Get Started with Core Analysis and Testing…
and Join Month 1 of the E4 A.L.I.V.E. Program
No Long Term Commitment! Try it out and discover how strong your pancreas is and uncover your level of insulin resistance.

Did you know that when most doctors test the thyroid, they don’t really test the thyroid?

If you are scratching your head, listen to the video above and hear endocrinologist Dr. Soham Patel, MD CCD, part of our E4 Diabetes Solutions expert team, explain the three essential tests that are required to understand thyroid function.
You need all three tests. Any one of them alone is NOT enough!
The first test is the TSH. However, this is actually NOT a test of the thyroid. It is a test of the pituitary gland, which secretes a hormone called the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, or TSH.
The TSH test is critical, but insufficient in order to fully know what is happening with your thyroid.
Let’s imagine the TSH is like the accelerator on your car…
It is like testing the speed of your car by measuring how hard your foot is on the accelerator. If the car is running out of gas and sputtering down the highway and you are flooring it, the TSH will measure how hard you are pressing on the gas but not how fast the car is going!
And it would not confirm that the car is running out of gas! You could also be flooring it because you wanted to escape a band of bandits chasing you, and the TSH would measure exactly the same but your car would be going at high speeds.
To find out how fast your car is going, you need to measure the actual speed! And to find out how the engine is performing, you need to measure the actual engine RPM!!
In the thyroid world, that is a measure of the Free T4 and Free T3. In the video above, Dr. Patel explains this in detail.
Therefore, these three tests are the essential tests: TSH, Free T3 and Free T4. Then, you need someone to interpret them properly so that you don’t just get an analysis like, “It’s fine.” You need clarity on what is really going on with your thyroid in detail
If you have diabetes and have struggled to lose weight, this can be the reason!
Insulin resistance and thyroid function are very closely related to achieving success. If both are not optimized, you may not be able to reach your goals.
That is why we are offering these three thyroid tests as a bonus for everyone who signs up for the Step 1 Lab Tests and Month 1 of the E4 Program!
Our gift to you for your success…
We here at E4 Diabetes Solutions believe no soul should be left behind.
If you are committed to your health and success, we will be with you every step of the way. We invite you to take the first step and get the analysis you deserve to know how your body is really doing. Your pancreas, your heart, your kidneys, your liver, and now your thyroid!
We look at your whole body!
What Do E4 Diabetes Solutions’ Tests Tell You?
The Difference Could be Life Changing…
Advanced Insulin Resistance
and Pancreas Health Assessment
and Pancreas Health Assessment
Discover how strong your pancreas is.
Uncover your level of insulin resistance.
Find out if you can avoid diabetes,
stay off insulin, get off meds,
and which foods are best.

Find out what standard diabetes testing doesn’t tell you with our exclusive protocols. Performed nationally at Quest Diagnostics with over 2,500 local testing facilities.

Six separate tests timed together in combination with our mathematical modeling answers the question: What is your level of insulin resistance?

Six separate tests timed together in combination with our mathematical modeling answers the question: How strong is your pancreas?

Get more accurate predictions of your cardiovascular risk than cholesterol testing alone with a combination of our three tests and comprehensive reporting.

High sensitivity C-reactive Protein can detect the presence of chronic, low-grade infections, and gives you a picture of your body’s inflammation level.

Seven-day dietary history analysis plus weaknesses and strengths report. Pinpoints those foods you are eating that are helping your pancreas–and which are hurting it.

One hour one-on-one review of your results and reports with John Vargas Eddy, director of Diabetes Programs.

Video education course, online support forum, and group question and answer session with international diabetes expert and lecturer Dr. Wes Youngberg, DrPH.
Get Started with Month 1

Preparation and Program

Month 1:
Learning and Baseline Labs
Learning and Baseline Labs
July, August, September

90 Days Ongoing Implementation

Month 5:
Learning and Baseline Labs
Learning and Baseline Labs
Does this happen to you….
Do you struggle with knowing which foods to eat to keep your blood sugar down? Have you tried to eat healthy but it hasn’t worked? Have you tried low carb but it hasn’t worked or been too hard? Have you tried portion control but it hasn’t worked?
It doesn’t have to be this way. Blood sugars only tell half the story. There is a way to find out exactly where you are right now. It is possible to find out what will work for you.
Discover your personal level of pancreas strength and insulin resistance. Understand which foods you are eating that are helping your pancreas and which ones are hurting it. You will be able to have a clear idea of what to do next in terms of foods to avoid and foods to increase.
And it starts with knowing where you are starting from. When you are driving into unfamiliar territory you probably use a GPS, right? The first thing the GPS needs to know is your current location. Without knowing your current location the GPS can’t plot a course for you.
Blood sugar numbers only tell half of the story. You need to know your insulin resistance and pancreas strength in order to know how to proceed on your journey.
Insulin resistance is one of the key driving factors behind type 2 diabetes and it is the factor that you have most control over. It is what you can change with lifestyle and diet. Know your starting point so you can know what is best for you.
No matter which way you are planning on improving your diabetes, whether working with us, or on your own with books, other programs or other healthy eating courses, knowing from where you are starting will help you know how best to focus your efforts.
Imagine having the clarity of knowing what you are doing wrong. Imagine understanding what is happening inside your body and knowing what your options are. How would it feel to be confident and clear in your direction? To know that you are putting the effort in the right place and that your time is not wasted doing the wrong things?
What would it be like to know for sure if those medications your doctor is prescribing are really needed? If you have envisioned the possibility of getting off your medications, this is your chance to find out what is possible.
Discover how strong your pancreas is.
Uncover your level of insulin resistance.
Find out if you can avoid diabetes,
stay off insulin, get off meds,
and which foods are best.
What’s Included?
Here are the details of our advanced lab protocol and testing that are included with the Core Assessment:
Advanced Insulin Resistance and Pancreas Health. (E4IR™ / PS5™)
This is a combination of six separate tests timed together over a four hour period. In combination with our mathematical modeling, it provides two key metrics to map out your customized plan: your level of insulin resistance and your pancreas health and strength.
Cardiovascular and Overall Inflammation Marker (hsCRP)
The cardiac high sensitivity CRP test is a newer and more sensitive test that can detect the presence of chronic, low-grade infections. This test gives you a picture of your body’s average inflammation level, and is a more accurate predictor of cardiovascular risk than cholesterol testing.
The tests are only a part of the complete package:
E4 Diabetes Solutions proprietary lab protocol and mathematical modeling to pinpoint insulin resistance and pancreas strength
Advanced Laboratory Testing at Quest Diagnostics, a National Top Quality Laboratory with 2,500 local branches
Online Educational course explaining tests and how your body works
Detailed testing protocol instructions and support provided
Personalized concierge level support via email and phone
Online assessment of lifestyle elements such as stress, sleep, emotional outlook, and environment
Seven-day dietary history analysis and meal blood sugar reaction profile
Comprehensive pancreas map and insulin resistance report
Inflammation Report and Heart Risk Analysis Report
Dietary weakness and strengths report which pinpoints for your individual case which foods you are eating that are helping your pancreas and which ones are hurting it
One hour one-on-one review of the your results and reports with John Vargas Eddy, director of E4 Diabetes Solutions
Detailed Learning Videos plus access to live group Q&A sessions during month 1 with Dr. Wes Youngberg, DrPH, Dr. Wes Howard, M.D. and John Vargas Eddy.
Get this complete package for $997.
Get this complete package for $997.
Click above which will take you to a secure payment page to process your order and get started!
One of our program participants, Mike, did our Assessment before knowing if he was sure whether he wanted to enroll in one of the full A.L.I.V.E programs. And at the end of the assessment, he said,
“Even if we stop here, it was completely worth it. Now we know where we stand and what to do next even if we do it on our own.” – Mike
Get Started with Month 1

Preparation and Program

Month 1:
Learning and Baseline Labs
Learning and Baseline Labs
July, August, September

90 Days Ongoing Implementation

Month 5:
Learning and Baseline Labs
Learning and Baseline Labs
Live group Q&A sessions during month 1

Dr. Wes Youngberg, DrPH, MPH, CNS
Topics: Labs, Overall Strategy, Supplements, Your Questions!

John Vargas Eddy
Topics: Extra Support in all areas, group sharing

Dr. Wes Howard,
Topics: Labs, Lifestyle Options and Strategies, Medicines
Success Stories of Participants from the
E4 Diabetes Solutions A.L.I.V.E. Program.
Get this complete package for $997.
Get this complete package for $997.