I Did It.

Can You Do it?

Success Stories of Participants from the

E4 Diabetes Solutions A.L.I.V.E. Program.

Marleen M. Florida, 2017

“I tried everything, I tried so many programs, I tried them all, I was doing my best with low carb and nothing was working. I am so happy that I tried this program because it works! I can eat until I am full and I don’t feel deprived”

Marleen reversed diabetes and pre-diabetes, lost 37lbs and lowered her A1C from 9.1 to 5.3 in 9 months!

Start >

  • Diabetes Stage: Complex Diabetes
  • Insulin Resistance: High
  • A1c: 9.1
  • Fasting Glucose: 211
  • Glucose: 2 hrs 436
  • Weight: 211 Lbs
  • Medications Prescribed: Insulin, Glipizide, Metformin.
  • Medications Taking: Metformin

9 ​Months >​

  • Diabetes Stage: Reversed Diabetes and Reversed Pre-Diabetes!
  • Insulin Resistance: Improved
  • A1c: 5.3 – Down 3.8
  • Fasting Glucose: 87 – Down 124
  • Glucose 2 hrs: 251 – Down 185
  • Weight: 174 – Down 37 (9 months)
  • Medications Taking: None

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