I Did It.
Can You Do it?

Participant Maureen O. New Jersey, 2018.

“When I saw my A1c of 5.4, I could not believe it! Just in the blink of an eye, and the weight just melted off without thinking about it”

Maureen reversed pre-diabetes and lost 44 Lbs in 20 weeks!

Start >

  • Diabetes Stage: Pre-Diabetes
  • Insulin Resistance: Very High
  • A1c: 6.2
  • Fasting Glucose:118
  • Glucose: 2 hrs 220
  • Inflammation: Very High
  • Weight: 297 Lbs

90 days >

  • Diabetes Stage: Reversed Pre-Diabetes! ​
  • Insulin Resistance: Elevated
  • A1c: 5.4 – Down 0.8
  • Fasting Glucose: 83 – Down 35
  • Glucose 2 hrs: 167 – Down 53
  • Inflammation: Improving
  • Weight: 253 – Down 44 (5 months)

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