I Did It.
Can You Do it?
By Bobbie Jo Lieberman
Diabetes is a sneaky foe. It permeates each cell in one’s body, literally basting every cell in excess sugar—effectively caramelizing them. The body loses its ability to let glucose into the cells for energy, and the result is insulin resistance. And chronic fatigue. A normal blood sugar response is easily handled by a healthy pancreas, but as diabetes takes over, the beta cells of this critical organ lose their capacity to process the sugars circulating through the bloodstream.
Soon after my diagnosis, I was given the standard prescription for Metformin. I’ve never been much into meds, and sought more natural solutions through diet and supplements. I immediately gave up all bread, rice, potatoes, most fruits and cut back on dairy. I saw improvements, but I wasn’t there yet.
I’ve measured my blood-glucose at least once, and often multiple times, nearly every day since 2007. That’s a lot of lancets and test strips! I’ve kept written diaries, which have stacked up into piles of notebooks.
The medical establishment says there is no cure for diabetes, but I didn’t buy into this belief. I kept searching. In 2009, soon after my naturopathic physician threatened me with insulin, I discovered the Tree of Life Center in Arizona (near where I lived at the time) and there was introduced to a new way of life.
Without the discipline of an ongoing support network outside of annual consults with the Tree of Life, my aiC bounced around from a low of 5.1 to a high of 7.5. My most recent aiC in late 2017 had been 6.5—creeping back into the dreaded zone of full-on diabetes. Six months at our new property in New Mexico and a long way from a reliable source of organic food was taking its toll. Something had to change or I’d be on a fast track to further vision loss and other complications.
A piece of irony: Our new ranch is in Pie Town, world-famous mecca for homemade pies. A friend came to visit from Arizona and thought she would bring us the ultimate treat: an apple pie with chili peppers! While my husband had no issues enjoying this gift, this was definitely something forbidden for a diabetic. I had until this day resisted the temptation to go anywhere near a slice of pie from Pie Town. But here it was. I had a bite, and then another….. It tasted good, but I paid the price.
And we ate cheese on rye crackers. And about once a week, a veggie omelette.
Out of the docuseries came the opportunity to sign up for the E4 Diabetes Solutions A.L.I.V.E Simple Steps 90 days program. I thought about it long and hard, but with my 70th birthday coming up, I knew it was now or never. I wanted to stick around for my husband and animals for a long time and enjoy our new ranch in the mountains. But I knew I couldn’t do it alone—I needed more customized support. The program featured a team of medical and nutritional experts, comprehensive before and after lab testing, weekly webinars, small groups and one-on-one coaching. And accountability.
I decided to jump in.
Steps on the Journey from Participants